Monday, July 18, 2011

Trip to Haiti

I'm leaving for Haiti soon, and as you might guess, I'm excited. After I get back and sorted, lots of pics and information will be going up. Until then, please wish me "bon voyage".

New Job, New State New City, New Blog

I've been in lovely Charlotte for a couple of weeks now. What can I say? It's a great city. The cost of living is low (relative to Monterey), it's very green, and I have an office with a beautiful view of the UNC Charlotte campus.

I am now the Undergraduate Student Career Manager (USCM, not to be confused with USMC, a wholly different organization). In this job, I will teach, advised, plug together advising programs, recruit, help students and internships fit together, and work with peers across campus, throughout the Charlotte-Mecklenburg metro area, throughout the state, and beyond...

Should be fun.