After a full two weeks of Fall Semester at UNC Charlotte, I'm in a happy state of exhaustion and appreciative of the extra day off.
ITCS 1600 is going well. The students seem to be responding to the material we're covering; they understand what is expected of them, and to some extent the "why" of what we expect of them. What I have yet to figure out is how to track student progress on a reasonable sliding metric; this became particularly apparent when Evie Powell told me that only about half of my students had signed up for Snag'Em, and of those only 8 had completed the initial survey. Getting direct info from Evie on the location of the survey seemed to help, but in the future I would ask Evie to delete my account, or create one with a different email, in order to refamiliarize myself with the process. It's not that the link is hidden, but I can see the cause of the confusion.
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